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IDE, a company belonging to the Iberdrola Group, has entrusted Ormazabal with the definition, construction, and delivery of a mobile substation project for electrical distribution. These sets of equipment, as unique as they are complex, require a high level of engineering knowledge as well as customization according to their use. Ormazabal has brought its extensive experience in the electrical grid and its expertise in these types of customized solutions, a market in which it is a consolidated reference for ad hoc solutions.
Thus, this particular solution features a set of Ormazabal cpg.0 primary distribution switchgears with a simple busbar of 24 kV / 1600 A / 25 kA, protection and control equipment, as well as a 12.5 MVA 45 / 20-15-13.2 kV ODAF transformer. All of this is mounted on a semi-trailer with three hydraulic directional axles that enable the maneuverability and operability of the substation, indispensable requirements given the necessary versatility of this type of installation. At the front of the semi-trailer is the medium voltage switchgear room along with the protection and automation equipment, with the transformer located at the rear.
This is another success story where we have met the most demanding quality requirements requested by our client, thanks to our continuous commitment to innovation and technology.
In this way, this portable installation will be available to the client for urgent action in emergency situations and/or the renewal of other substations; situations where timely availability is critical to ensure the correct electrical supply to consumers.
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primary distribution
mobile substation