
Sustainable transport, examples, and main trends in transport decarbonization

Charging stations are part of the backbone of sustainable transport
Charging stations are part of the backbone of sustainable transport

With a focus on emissions reduction, sustainable transport becomes the main asset for the electrification of mobility

As dictated by Newton’s Third Law, every action generates a reaction of equal intensity but in the opposite direction. A theorem with countless applications in real life and which is entirely valid for the carbon footprint that humans cause with our lifestyle. Whether on the way to work or for leisure, every time we use conventional transportation, we negatively affect our environment by emitting polluting particles into the atmosphere; these contribute to increasing the effects of climate change. Faced with this situation, and with the aim of stopping this irreparable damage to our planet, society is immersed in an energy transition towards decarbonization; a momentum in which sustainable transport emerges as a noteworthy alternative.

Thus, talking about sustainable transport is to address a type of mobility that takes into account both the environmental impacts caused by gas emissions and the economic and social impacts in terms of equity and the right to use efficient, clean, and accessible transportation. Thus, the concept of sustainability in transportation is closely linked to not compromising future generations with short-term vision but rather to opting for technologies and methodologies that minimize our impact at all levels. Technologies that are closely linked to increasing the contribution of renewable energies to our energy mix and their introduction, through the commitment to electric technology, into our current transportation models.

The emergence of electric vehicles has sparked a revolution in the network.

The emergence of electric vehicles has been a revolution in the network. This concept is based on the proliferation of different capacities that in recent decades have shown that a world based on clean energy is possible. A phenomenon that finds its pillars in the rise of renewables, whose competitiveness is causing a significant drop in energy prices in those countries with a greater commitment to this technology; in the emergence of energy storage in all its variants, allowing the subsequent use of unused clean energy; or in the consolidation of electric vehicles, whose market share is not only growing but is supported by a growing recharging infrastructure.

Examples of sustainable transport

At this point, perhaps the most interesting thing is to see some of the best examples and practices of sustainable transport. Let’s go for them:

  • Use of public transportation
  • Promotion of the use of non-polluting vehicles:
    • Bicycle
    • Electric Vehicle
    • Hydrogen Vehicle
    • Biofuel Vehicle
  • Electrification and Hydrogenation of freight and mass transportation
  • Train
  • Plane
    • Hydrogen
    • Electric
  • Ship
    • Hydrogen
    •  Electric

Ormazabal, a partner to drive the electrification of transportation

At Ormazabal, we have over 55 years of transforming the electrical grid. We respond to the electrical supply infrastructure, ensuring connection to the grid. We provide integrated solutions for connecting to the electrical grid, adapting them to both the present and future needs of the recharging infrastructure and the requirements of the distribution system operator.

    Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edf. 614, Astondo Bidea,48160, Derio (Bizkaia) España

    +34 94 431 77 77