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Ormazabal's innovation strategy receives the support of the Basque Government in 11 R&D projects

The projects, which are key to the development of digitalisation and efficiency solutions for the electrical network, aim to bring Ormazabal’s innovative nature closer to the market

Ormazabal has reaffirmed its commitment to innovation during the year 2020 thanks to the support received by the Basque Government for 11 of its R&D projects, which aim is to promote digitalisation and efficiency solutions for the electric network through smart grids.
Thus, the Basque Government has approved a budget of 2,990,705 € to finance 5 projects through Hazitek’s individual programmes, 3 projects through Hazitek’s strategic programmes and another 3 projects through Elkartek’s programmes.

The research projects supported by the Basque Government are the following:

  • GADEM II. Objective: To obtain new dielectric gases for medium voltage equipment.
  • ALGORITMO. Objective: Development of an agnostic algorithm capable of dynamically identifying which low voltage line low voltage customers are connected to.
  • CINCOSEI. Objective: To increase integral cybersecurity in industrial electronic components and systems.
  • WIND 4.0. Objective: Development of cubicles and associated electronics for wind power applications.
  • NEOSUB. Objective: Development of an eco-designed electrical substation, using more environmentally sustainable insulating systems.
  • SHUNT. Objective: Development of new current interruption systems.
  • SCBT. Objective: Development of a smart low-voltage board for the management of LV networks, with monitoring, protection and manoeuvring of the LV network.
  • CONSIGUE. Objective: Development of optimised cubicles with new smart sensors and eco-efficient universal gases.
  • GRAT. Objective: Development of a voltage regulation system for the low-voltage grid that maintains the voltage at the optimum operating point and always within the regulatory limits.
  • mBESGRID. Objective: to develop an advanced micro grid with EMS for industrial use at the customer’s site, to generate an economically competitive and interoperable micro grid concept.