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Ormazabal, one of the Basque companies with the greatest share in the number of patent applications

A research study by the Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Orkestra, certifies Ormazabal as one of the major agents in intellectual property in the Basque Country

Ormazabal is one of the companies with the highest patenting participation in the Basque Country. This is the conclusion of a study on innovative and patenting activity recently published by the Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Orkestra. This report, which analyses investment in R&D, the launch of premieres and activity in the field of property, highlights the relevant patenting work of Ormazabal, among other Basque firms.

In the first decades of this century, the number of patent applications filed with the EPO (European Patent Office) by Basque companies was between 2,400 and 2,700. Practically 25% of them (around 600) are concentrated in the hands of just 30 companies, among which leading companies in their niche, such as Ormazabal, stand out.

Innovation, part of Ormazabal’s DNA

Furthermore, the report highlights that leading companies in their sector, such as Ormazabal, have increased the number of patents registered over the last years, which reinforces the company’s innovative role.

Ormazabal’s commitment to innovation is a fundamental part of its business activity, for which it invests around 4% of its turnover in R&D every year. This can be seen in the more than 18 million euros allocated by Ormazabal in 2020 for innovation and development.