
Evolution of the low voltage grid: from observability to remote operation

The transition of the low voltage grid towards its digitalization and remote operation offers great advantages for both operators and consumers

The application of new technologies to promote the evolution of the low voltage grid is bringing about a paradigm shift in customer service. Through these new technological capabilities, the low voltage grid is evolving to solve, and even prevent, problems remotely. But how is this leap from observability to remote operation being achieved? Let’s dive into it.

First, it is essential to understand the main problems that both users and grid operators face when something goes wrong within the vast web that is the electrical grid. Uncontrolled connections, lack of coordination of fuses between the transformation center and the consumer, or the degradation of those same fuses over time are some of the main causes of temporary service outages in grids that do not have observability or remote operation systems.

Moreover, when this occurs, a technical team from the electric company must be present to resolve an issue, replacing the affected fuses. A situation that can be avoided if the digitalization of the low voltage grid is embraced.

For this reason, companies are betting on the incorporation of technology that allows data collection and action based on it. Thus, the main focus of companies is on the incorporation of the digital transforming station and its elements for the evolution of the low voltage grid, such as automated low voltage boards.

These, as a whole, allow interconnecting all the data with the operators’ control centers, from where a global view of the line is obtained and action is taken remotely on each of the problems that may arise. For this, it is necessary that all the installed electrical equipment has communication systems that send the data to the control center. But not only that, these must allow remote interaction, performing maneuvers in the centers without the need for third-party displacements; just with a click. This is how crucial the digitalization of the low voltage grid is.

El Centro de Transformación Digital se erige como un socio clave para la digitalización de la red de baja tensión
The Digital Transformation Station emerges as a key partner for the digitalization of the low voltage grid

What are the main benefits of moving from observability to remote operation in the LV grid?

  • Instant knowledge: Instantly knowing the loss of supply to affected customers. The information provided by the transformer substations, connected to the rest of the elements of the low voltage grid, allows mapping the grid and detecting those points where problematic situations occur.
  • Faster service resumption: Control elements, based on the data obtained, facilitate automatic reconnection and restore the service quickly and efficiently.
  • Lower costs: Grid operators reduce and optimize the operational costs of the grid, being able to prevent problems and intervene without the need for team displacements; reducing possible customer impacts and the average intervention time of incidents.
  • Action by affected phase: One of the great advantages is being able to discriminate actions in the grid by line, as it is not necessary to cut the main node to which the affected line belongs thanks to the detail provided by the data. Thus, the service of the rest of the unaffected customers on the line is maintained. Something that was unthinkable not so long ago.
  • Personalization: The arrival of electronic relays has been a game-changer by achieving personalized line protection through their use.

All these benefits are the basis for new functionalities such as the protection of long-distance lines or coupling, through automation, between own transformation centers or third-party lines. A giant step in the digitalization of the low voltage grid.

Advantages that directly impact an improvement in the safety, service, or operation of the electrical distribution grid. That is, both in the grid operator and the end customer. This is how important the evolution of the low voltage grid is.

Do you want to know more about this and other solutions for the electrical grid? Contact us through the following form:

    Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edf. 104, 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) España

    +34 94 431 77 77