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Blog, Green mobility
With a growing number of electric cars in circulations in the European territory, and the growth prospects in this sector, the European Comission is looking for a solution to make this trend a reality for the next years by the avilability of charging stations for the users.
According to the plans for near-complete climate neutrality by 2050, the EU Comission has launched a media report that shows a e-mobility offensive. This plan has the aim on increasing the charging stations by one million by 2025, like a guaranteee of seriousness for all the potential electric vehicle users.
As part of the next long-term (2021-2027) EU budget, in June 2018 the Commission proposed to spend 60 % of the CEF €42.3 billion budget on projects that contribute to achieving climate objectives, for instance, through the development of charging infrastructure for EVs. The Parliament and the Council are now negotiating on the proposal. In its negotiating position (adopted in December 2018), the Parliament voiced its support for allocating 60 % of the CEF budget to projects contributing to climate action, while also calling for an increase of the overall CEF budget by almost €6 billion compared to the Commission’s proposal.
The European territory is the second most important market for the electric cars, followed by the United States, and it has growed continually during the last 5 years. One of the main reasons for this growth, that is is expected to be consolidated during the next decade, is the number of models that the different vehicle manufacturers have developed.
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electric car
European Comission
European Union
charging stations