Enedis and the Chartres Agglomeration

Esplanade of Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France, July 2024

Success stories, Sustainable buildings & insfrastructures

An Invisible and Essential Solution at the Foot of Chartres Cathedral

Ormazabal participated in the redevelopment of the Notre-Dame Cloister

An ambitious project aimed at revitalizing this iconic heritage site while redefining the public space. The overall project involves pedestrianizing the area and creating new landscaped spaces along the esplanade, with paving stones that match those of the cathedral. Commercial terraces and new points of interest will be added, along with the creation of an underground cultural center.

Enedis operates the largest electricity distribution network in Europe, supporting local communities and the energy transition. As a long-term partner, we collaborate to modernize the grid and ensure a reliable and sustainable power supply.

Chartres Métropole supports urban development and heritage enhancement while addressing energy transition challenges. This project is part of a broader effort to modernize and preserve the city’s historical environment.

Ormazabal’s solution to the challenge

As a UNESCO World Heritage site, Chartres Cathedral imposes strict architectural constraints. It was crucial that the distribution substation, located at the foot of the cathedral, remained entirely invisible to preserve the site’s historical integrity while providing the necessary power to supply the redeveloped cloister area.

In collaboration with Chartres Métropole and Enedis, Ormazabal proposed a custom solution: a monobloc concrete underground transformer substation of the PFS-48 type. This solution fully meets the requirements for invisibility, performance, and environmental integration.

Key benefits to client:

  • Substation perfectly integrated into its environment (completely invisible).
  • Prefabricated, watertight, monobloc enclosure.

Involved products in the project: