
Launching our wellness support programme: Carefirst

This programme aims to ensure the wellbeing of Ormazabal’s staff and their environment by offering psychological support services, as well as legal or financial advice

As part of our commitment to supporting the well-being of our people, we launched Carefirst. An international service available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, multi-language, which allows immediate psychological support, as well as consulting and resolving different problems with services such as legal and financial advice, thus helping the staff and their environment in the challenges of everyday life. These consultations are referred to a specialised external partner, thus ensuring total confidentiality in the process.

The programme, which was launched last June, has collected dozens of queries worldwide and aims to become a support tool for managing situations that may affect the well-being of our people and their environment.

This service is part of Ormazabal’s firm commitment to people, for which it develops different initiatives aimed at personal and professional development, with a special focus on the wellbeing of those who form part of the company.