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Ormazabal develops a control solution aimed at increasing the efficiency of smart transformers for the RES sector

The solution, in the framework of the ERIGrid research project, allows the coordinated control of a smart transformer and distributed energy resources, improving operability and efficiency

Ormazabal has successfully completed the development of a new solution for the coordinated control of smart transformers and distributed energy resources such as, photovoltaic and wind energy, battery energy storage systems, flexible powers and electric vehicles. This solution, carried out within the ERIGrid research project, is able to reduce technical losses caused by reverse power flow and improve grid stability and compliance of grid codes when a high share of renewable generation is integrated.

The project, carried out in Copenhagen, Denmark, has been a resounding success, demonstrating that the smart transformer power point control facilitates the integration of renewable generation by 61.65% compared to the base case when no control is used. In addition, this solution significantly improves grid reliability, increases the integration of renewable energy and improves the lifetime of power system equipment.

During the development of the trials, the following set of representative key performance indicators were defined:

  • Maximise the amount of renewable energy generation in the grid (kWh hosting capacity).
  • Reduce technical electricity losses (financial incentive for the distribution operator)
  • Improve grid stability by increasing the lifetime of equipment.