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Ormazabal celebrates 30 years of presence in China

Ormazabal’s presence in China translates into a project of establishment and commitment to the country

Ormazabal is celebrating thirty years of its presence in China in 2021. Three decades that has been key to the electrification of the Asian country’s economy, where Ormazabal has also become a key partner for the supply of cubicles in the renewable energy sector. This is demonstrated by its leading position in offshore wind energy, where Ormazabal collaborates with the main local and international players.

These thirty years of commitment to the country have allowed Ormazabal to be at the forefront of industrial processes, implementing the most advanced management systems and complying with the highest world quality standards to offer high added value equipment to customers. This has also contributed to the generation of wealth and employment in the region.

Ormazabal has three important industrial facilities in China, where, in addition to manufacturing its own solutions for the electricity grid, it carries out product innovation and development processes, adapting their solutions to the needs of customers in the Asian country.